Thursday, July 23, 2009

From Chai to Vietnamese Coffee

Julie & I met while on exchange at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad. Julie has a great laugh & joyful spirit. We were neighbors in the H block at ISB and share a love for cutting things up on the dance floor, stuffing ourselves silly with biryani, and slurping down chais made by roadside baristas. Here we are doing just that in Chandigarh. Yum. (Note the child barista in the background.) Coincidentally, both Julie & I will be working at L.E.K. Consulting in different cities in the States. When we discovered that our start dates for work were moved to December, the seeds for this recent adventure were planted. Julie said, "hey, want to go work with pig farmers in Vietnam with me?" and I mean, of course, who wouldn't just jump at an opportunity like that...So I guess we'll be trading biryani for noodle soup & chai for Vietnamese coffee.


  1. Hi Kelly: I have been following your trip and am happy that you have found your travels and adventures in eating at a restaurant to be somewhat humorous. George and I are glad you arrived safely and will continue to look forward to seeing more of your job and each new experience. Take care. Love, George & Kathy

  2. Hi Kelly: I told you previously that you write
    wonderfully. Your composition is explicit and personal and we can truly understand what you are experiencing.Thank you for writing about how you and Paul met and came to care for each other. That was so cool! It's great that you both love travelling and can find something to eat anywhere-literally. Have fun and be safe. Love, Paula
