Friday, July 24, 2009

Hanover - NY - Anchorage - Taipei - Hanoi - Danang - Tam Ky

I leave tonight for Vietnam on an 11:40 flight out of JFK. The journey will be long & unfortunately I won't have any travel companions along for the ride. I started yesterday up in Vermont. Today New York. From there I go to Alaska & then to Taipei in Taiwan & then to Hanoi in Vietnam. Once I arrive in Vietnam & pick up my visa, I get a small plane to Danang City & from there a car for a few hours to Tam Ky, my first destination. Needless to say, I'll be relieved when I arrive.

Once in Tam Ky, I'll be reunited with Julie (see earlier post for info on her) & I will meet Supriya & Vijay for the first time. The four of us will be working as pro-bono consultants for International Development Enterprises, an NGO dedicated to "ending poverty in the developing world by helping farmers invest in their own success." I'll likely be working on a "pork value chain" project with pig farmers in the Quang Nam province. I could also work on a project up north with rice farmers. We'll see when I get there! I just got information on where I'll be staying yesterday - good to know these things at least on day before I leave, right? I expect this adventure to be yet another exercise in dealing with ambiguity & expecting the unexpected.

I've never done a blog, but hey - I love keeping journal entries & taking pictures & sharing them with my loved ones. So here we go...hope you enjoy coming along with me on this adventure. This begins 2 months in SE Asia.

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels, Kelly!! Can't wait to hear updates as you encounter the world!! Love and hugs to you.
