Monday, November 30, 2009

One Last SE Asia Travel Tale

Tomorrow marks the end of my extended post-MBA vacation. Like with all transitions, this one comes with a bundle of mixed emotions. I’m excited to re-connect with my work friends, to settle into more of a routine, to reignite some dormant parts of my brain. And yet I’m sad to let go of the freedom and flexibility of my days, the special time I get to spend with loved ones, and the lower-stress gear my body is now accustomed to operating in. While I’ll never claim to love transitions, I tend to continuously add twists and turns to my life that thrust me into change and growth.

I started this blog to collect stories and images on my trip to South East Asia…and to bring friends with me on my journey. What a trip it was! But there is one very important story from that trip that I saved to the very end to tell. In one of my first blog entries, I wrote about Library Man (a.k.a. Paul) and our romance which has spanned more than a decade. Well Library Man proposed to me in Thailand. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I said yes.

The specific moment happened on a beach on Koh Samui. Paul arranged for a private dinner for the two of us in an open hut looking out on the ocean. We sat on silk cushions and ate at a table covered with gemstones, flowers, and candles. It was about as romantic as could be. We joke that Paul proposed between the first cocktail and the spring rolls so he could enjoy the rest of the meal without feeling so nervous. The whole thing (including a ring he had designed on his own) was a surprise. It is with great tenderness, excitement, and love that we enter this next phase of our lives together. Planning is underway for an autumn wedding in Vermont.

So I guess this is the close of this particular travel blog, but who says everyday life isn’t dynamic enough to document? Perhaps I’ll begin a new blog for this new chapter of life…after I adjust to the pains of waking up early every morning. Wish me luck. :)

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